Friday, October 24, 2008

Dreaming for the Future

Have you ever felt like your life could be compared to a maze, with the possibility of going many different directions, but you have no idea where you’ll end up? I guess I have been feeling like that lately. Of course, I have been blessed immensely with a wonderful husband, great friends and family, and a beautiful home to call my own. However, I know there are other opportunities that await me. Patience is a virtue, I tell myself. I long for many things…children of my own, fulfillment of my goals, and a greater abundance of freedom. With the struggle to have children, we have often discussed the thought of adoption. My husband says that if we haven’t had a child before he turns the age of thirty-five, then we’ll consider it further. That’s five years from now…I don’t think he’ll be able to wait that long. That may happen sooner than we thought. I desire to achieve many things in this life, many of which include, starting a cleaning service, a rubber stamp design business, and re-decorating projects in our home. I have a vision of what my office will look like when it is complete, a vision of my dream business, and a vision of what those ideas will allocate for us in our lives. It may seem unrealistic to many of you, but I’m still in the process of dreaming. I do plan to realize those dreams in the future. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? The first place I will vacation is Tahiti. It looks like the most pristine, peaceful island I have ever seen. I will also visit Mexico, Australia, Scotland, Hawaii, Alaska, and Florida. This is what I mean by a greater abundance of freedom. I’ve learned that you cannot make your dreams a reality without hard work, perseverance, and loyalty to yourself and others. Patience is the key word here. I still have to work to develop the composure necessary to have all of the things I desire in my life, but as long as my thoughts are consistent with my belief to obtain all of these aspirations, it will happen. I’m always thinking about the future and what lies ahead for us, and I would encourage everyone to daydream from time to time. Your life is too valuable not to. By the way, if you would like to respond with some feedback on this post, please feel free. Tell me what you’ve been dreaming about lately. I would love your comments!


Cindy said...

I hear you. Enjoy the moment. Life will unfold around you. You recently stumbled upon our own adoption blog and our own desire to have more children. We've begun the adoption process and only Heavenly Father knows where it will lead us. It's taken us much patience, prayer, patience, listening, and faith to reach this point in our lives. For our family adoption is as much a partnership with God as is giving birth.

Now, as far as all this talk about FREEDOM and visiting DISTANT LANDS. That's why I like to read and enjoy the arts. They're the poor man's vacation and freedom.

If I could go anywhere, I'd like to go to the oceanside where there are very few people and the weather is warm or slightly cool.

I like waterfalls and ancient stone structures. I also love nature. I've always wanted to see the indian caverns in Southern Utah and Colorado.

Of course, none of those places would be very fun if my family couldn't enjoy them with me.

Cindy said...

By the way, your font color is difficult to read.