Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Beaches Galore!

Huntington Beach

He just loves the water!

Seagulls everywhere!

Photos of our day trip to Laguna Beach

What a view!

I just love all the plants and trees!

This was the one and only shell we found at the beach.

Where's Waldo...or more importantly, my husband?

After taking these pictures, we decided to meander over to the other side of the beach, as it seemed less crowded. We only wished we would have spent more time there, since the waves were bigger, and we could actually go crab hunting. Sadly, I did not actually bring my camera along, to take a picture of a couple crabs that were peering out of the major rock formations along the side of the shoreline. Yes, I was bummed. Maybe, I'll make it there again soon, to get a few pictures. Aside from that, we did get a little... or I should say, a lot of sun! We enjoyed a day at the sandy beaches of California.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Beloved Classics

I am not quite sure, but I think I have created, with a little alteration, a couple new and favorite recipes…as far as my husband is concerned. I have always liked to cook, but sometimes I think there is a much more devoted love for the idea of cooking lying somewhere beneath me than I ever thought before. I have imagined it like it was an art, where the possibilities seem endless in all forms of creation…and I guess it is, if you were to think of it in a deeper meaning. I do enjoy searching for recipes online, since there is no limit to what you could find, and it saves me the cost of buying cookbooks. The only problem with this is, that I will find myself going to the grocery store for groceries to last us a month, only to find that we have to go back time and time again, just to get the few ingredients for the next recipe I happen to come across, that I can’t live without trying. I do not want to feel like I should be “living” at the grocery store, and it has become too much of a mundane task, to say the least. So, my experience here has been enlightening for me, as it has opened my eyes to many more opportunities for growth and knowledge in the cooking world, to avoid the dozen trips to the grocery store each week. About two weeks ago, I found a recipe online for a Hamburger Vegetable Soup, which can be found at http://www.sparkpeople.com/. Here is the link for the web page, on which I got the recipe: http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-detail.asp?recipe=23363. I am noting this recipe here, because it was the basis of what has become my own version of this soup. I did have to improvise a little, since I did not have all the ingredients (go figure), or a big enough pot. This is often the case, but with a renewed sense about cooking, I finally realize that I do not need all the ingredients or the same ingredients for the recipe to be good. Somehow, I have always known this, but until now, I have always been a firm believer in following the recipe to a “T”, just to make sure it turned out right every time. But, I had fun with this one. Here’s what I did different: I used part beef broth and water, instead of just water and substituted Worchester sauce for the Brown Bouquet sauce. I actually don’t even know what Brown Bouquet sauce is, but my alternate choice seemed to work fine. I also had to subtract the corn and green beans, and use only a ½ pound of ground beef, as I did not have enough room in the biggest pot I currently have for those ingredients. All in all, the recipe was a success! The flavor was great, and the best part is, it’s a relatively quick weeknight or weekend meal. I also love it with parmesan cheese bread. Below, I have posted my version of the soup recipe for anyone interested in trying something new. Or, if it suits you more, the previous, and shall I say, “legitimate” recipe. For those adventurous types, like me, you can mix different ingredients, or change the entire recipe to your liking for a different taste to an old familiar favorite. There is certainly a sense of freedom with this approach, as it allows you to “think outside the box”…and be you own chef. I have renamed this recipe, so as to call it my own. It shall now be called:
A Simple Beef Stew

½ lb. Lean Ground Beef
1 C. Diced Onion
1 C. Diced Celery
1 Can Beef Broth=About 2 Cups
1-1/4 C. Water
1 Large Diced Potato
1 C. Chopped or Sliced Carrots
28 oz. Can Diced Tomatoes
Salt & Pepper to Season Beef
Worchester Sauce (Vary amount to your taste)

Lightly coat a large pot with cooking oil or cooking spray. Season ground beef with salt and pepper and cook on high heat, along with onions, and celery until beef is browned and vegetables begin to soften. Add beef broth and water, potato, carrots, diced tomatoes, and Worchester sauce. Stir to combine. Heat on high heat until stew begins to boil. Reduce heat to simmer and cover the pot. Simmer for 45 min.-1 hr. Enjoy!
The other recipe was quite simple, really. This one did not derive from an online source, but rather, a made up version of Homemade Chili. I know there are more than a dozen ways to make Chili, but with limitations on the ingredients I had on hand, I just used what I already had…just six ingredients. Somehow, it too, became a favorite. I’ll post it here for reference…for all you Chili Lover’s out there.
Simply Chili (As I refer to it)

1 lb. Ground Beef
Salt & Pepper to taste
Chili Powder (As much or as little as you like)
Diced Onions (As many as you like)
28 oz. Can Diced Tomatoes
1 Can Red Beans

Season ground beef with salt and pepper, and begin cooking on high heat, while adding onions and chili powder. Add diced tomatoes and red beans, and continue to cook on high until chili begins to boil. Reduce the heat, cover and simmer for about 20 min. Enjoy!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Thought of the Day

Happiness keeps you sweet,
Trials keep you strong,
Sorrows keep you human,
Failures keep you humble,
Success keeps you glowing,
But only God keeps you going!
This poem was sent to me in a recent email, and I just want to share it today, since it has great meaning, and seems so true.
Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Super Human Heroes

Being away from home has caused me to reflect more on those close to me. I think of heroes and super-heroes alike, some with supernatural powers, just risking their lives to help those in need. Yes, at times my superstitious mind gets the best of me. But, I would like to think we are all super-heroes or heroes in one way or another. I don’t think we should be shaping our lives around the mentality that we are of a lesser worth- we want to amount to something greater. We can only do our best. There are many people in my life that I would like to recognize as heroes, who have in some way molded me into the person I am today. First, I want to mention my parents. My father is the most patient person I’ve ever known. He is so loyal and dedicated to the work he does, and has inspired me to follow in his footsteps-to raise my children the way he raised me. There is always a first time for everything, and my father was always there for all the first-timers-first shots, pulling first loose tooth, opening my first savings/checking accounts, buying my first car, first surgery, etc. I can always turn to my father for counsel and advice in the loving, gentle manner in which it is presented. I will forever cherish those moments, and know that my father taught me many great lessons, of which I will take with me throughout my life. So, he is a true hero in my life. My mother is the most talented, kind-hearted person I’ve ever known. She is so dear to my heart, as she too, was always there for me growing up. She provides much guidance and support, and has always been compassionate of my needs and feelings. The best home-cooked meals were served by her, and I can proudly say that I’ve adopted my mother’s exceptional cleaning skills, since she taught me well. She has such a gentle, loving spirit about her that I will always be grateful for, as she has been the example of the kind of mother I would like to portray for my children. So, a hero she will be as well. My husband has been a hero in my life on many different levels. He has shown the way to live a positive, worry-free life, despite any circumstance. He is very wise, with a logical way of thinking. He too, has taught me a great deal about life and ways to live in the “real world” independently. I’m thankful for him. His loving, affectionate nature will be a blessing on our family in the future. So, he is my Superman. My two sisters, although very different from myself, have proved a place of heroism in my life as well. Amanda, being of an independent, strong-willed, and focused mindset has achieved so many goals, of which I admire. Serving in the Navy, deployments to Iraq, and determination to achieve a higher potential, make her a strong hero, who will always be an influence on me for the greater good. Kylie, being of an opinionated nature, holds a dominance about her that shows a sense of confidence that I have grown to develop an expressed appreciation for. She has taught me the power of self-reliance, along with the power to show your true self, no matter what others may think. I have a few close friends and extended family members who I would like to devote many thanks to, and I hope you know who you are. I will never regret those I’ve had the pleasure of meeting in the past, and developed a relationship with, as each of you possess a quality that I have looked upon as praise-worthy and of high regard. Thank you everyone for the good example you show to me and the great people you are. Heroes are among us everywhere, but super-heroes you will remain in my heart.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Wonders of Love

I would like to update you on the latest with my husband and his job. He is doing a great job selling in the different areas he’s visited, given the past circumstances and obstacles he’s been faced with. He has now sold four security systems in the past three weeks (which, to many of you, may seem pathetic), but I’m proud of him and all his hard work, as it is hard work and very grueling at times. Speaking of my husband…I’m going to take this blog post in a slightly different direction, since my mind has begun to wander, and talk for moment about why I love my husband so much. Have I ever told you that he is the most affectionate, comical man I have ever met? Those are the two best adjectives to describe him, if I were to keep this short and sweet. But, I am happily married with a lot of insight to share about the love of my life. Where do I begin? I can say he has an uncanny sense of humor about him. Do you recall Bill Cosby’s show “Kids Say the Darndest Things”? He reminds me of the kids on that show, when you don’t know what he will say next, or how he will respond to a question. So, in the end, you are just laughing at everything he says. He is so young at heart, and the kid in him is presented on a regular basis. I love it! He’s keeping me younger every day. Smile! Oh yes, I must also mention a few of his favorites. He likes Wild Berry Skittles, Starburst, cheesecake, Belgium chocolate, Mountain Dew, orange-cream soda, hot chocolate, steak fries (home-made), and an insatiable love for bacon bits… but, not necessarily in that particular order or as a combination. Have a failed to point out the one prized possession he could call his own…as most guys do? He seems to have a peculiar relationship, so to speak, with his Smith & Wesson pellet grill, which he uses to smoke the most tender, juicy tri-tip (another of his favorites) with the “secret” marinade(of which he will never reveal) that I have ever tasted. It’s the best cut of beef out there, as far as I can tell…highly recommended. I left one of his well preferred favorites out of the former list, because it would be a similarity we both share. With just the right amount olive oil and seasoned salt, air-popped popcorn is to die for. It, by far, tops the list of all the other food items, and makes a movie all that much better. He hates mustard. He makes it abundantly clear when he refers to it as “terd”…but he likes deviled eggs. Can someone explain this? He can be picky about his food, and doesn’t like the food to mix on his plate when we have more than one side dish with the main entrĂ©e. He has a masterful, skilled mind with the computer. Though he is not an expert, he certainly knows the ins and outs of such technology. How did he become so computer savvy, you ask? I’m afraid only his intelligent mind can answer that. I could go on and on…it seems I have a storybook of information about my dear husband. So, I’ll spare you any further chit-chat…for the time being, since these are just a few very random thoughts for the day.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Chick-Fil-A Style!

It’s kind of a funny story, really…as well as a coincidence. I had heard of the Chick-Fil-A quick-service restaurants (as they say), but I had never been to any of the locations, nor had I ever eaten there before. That is, until we moved here to California. They are everywhere down here! There is also an In-N-Out restaurant next to every Chick-Fil-A that many folks seem to be raving fans of as well, but that is beside the point. I mentioned to my husband that I would like to eat at Chick-Fil-A sometime, since I have a love fetish with chicken. Well, the other day while continuing the long-enduring job search, I came across a job listing for a hostess position at one of the local Chick-Fil-A restaurants. I was excited about this, since I love anything involved with customer service. So, I decided to apply for that position, and was so graciously offered a job not only providing Second Mile Service (referring to the part as a hostess), but also the Marketing/Operations side of the business as well. So, all in all, I will play a part in every aspect of that store. The Operator of two different locations,(one of which I will be working), was also kind enough to buy me lunch, while discussing my recent job history, and whatever skills I could bring to the table. That was an added bonus that I can honestly say made my day. I can now say I have officially tasted the most original, delectable chicken sandwich ever made. By that, I mean the one they are famous for. I have worked there a little over a week now, and can honestly say, it’s quite the change from what I’m used to. It’s much different than my previous job, with a lot of running around. Although, I feel that it will do me some good. I know it will be a great strength for me, as it will help me to broaden my horizons, interact socially with others, and best of all, help people. Customer service is the most important element in any business. It is imperative that the customer has the best possible experience. And so it goes, with the mission of Chick-Fil-A, to be the best quick-service restaurant. If you have never experienced the difference, then I suggest you come join us for a tasty treat. You can bring the cows along, but make sure you also bring a sign that says “Eat Mor Chikin” (the cows motto…looks like we need to teach them how to spell). Then, try the most original, delectable chicken sandwich ever made…as it will be our pleasure to serve you!