Friday, November 14, 2008

Dream Big Outing

A couple of days ago, my husband wanted to look at one of his "dream" cars, which happens to be the Subaru STI (I know there's a fancier name for it). I would give you more details, but unfortunately, I don't know much about it...other than the fact that it has a GPS navigational system built in, and other fun gadgets to give the car more power. I think it also has about 350 horsepower. When we got to the dealership, he saw one that he just loved, which is pictured above. He wanted to take it for a test drive just for fun, to really get a good feel for it. However, the one he had his eye on was one of the floor models, so we couldn't take it out. The salesman that was helping us, took a few pictures for us, so we can look at it as often as we want to. My husband says he will own this car sometime in the near future, so we are excited about that. It will give us something to look forward to.

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